Experience the innovation that's transforming the landscape of online dating. A Revolutionary Approach to Finding Your Perfect Match
Beyond the Surface
At the heart of Super Search is Iris's patented AI algorithm. It's not just about finding someone who catches your eye, but someone who is also likely to be attracted to you.
We call this True Attraction - a connection that goes beyond the surface and resonates with your core. Learn more about True Attraction and the power of Super Search in this 1-minute video.
The Power of Precision
Imagine scanning through 100,000 profiles and pinpointing the top 1% that aligns with your preferences.
Then imagine refining these profiles to find those who are also attracted to you, presenting you with compatible matches.
Making the First Impression Count
For our Platinum plan subscribers, Iris AI goes the extra mile. It presents your profile in a way that increases the chances of receiving a LIKE, setting the stage for a connection that's more than just a match.
Quality Connections
Super Search is about finding the right match, not just any match. It's about quality connections, not quantity.
for All
Despite the significant computational resources required for Super Search, we believe in making this game-changing feature accessible.
Even our $10/month plan users can access Super Search, reflecting our commitment to enhancing your online dating experience.
Time is Love
In a world where time is precious, Super Search is your efficient and effective tool in the quest for love.
Experience the power of Super Search and let Iris guide you to someone truly special.